ELRC advice and recommendations
To register interest in workshops or professional support please complete this form
or contact Breda at admin@englishlanguageresourcecentre.com
English language unit standards count towards NCEA but DO NOT count toward Level 1 or university entrance literacy.
- This NZQA page contains the English Language unit standards plus exemplars of student work and model assessments. NB these resources CANNOT be used for summative assessment purposes.
- The ELRC summative assessments can be found here. You can also ask the advice of other teachers in the NZ Secondary ESOL Teachers Facebook page.
Literacy and ELLs
This year ELLs can gain Level 1 Literacy using two level 3 EAP unit standards.
- You will find the standards and assessment support materials on this NZQA page.
- ESOL Online has teaching and learning resources and and formative assessments on the topic of Belonging. These resources help prepare learners for assessment against the ELRC resources on the same topic.
University entrance and ELLs
University entrance and Auckland University AELR requirements can be achieved using the Level 4 EAP unit standards.
- ESOL Online has teaching and learning sequences on the topic of the Millenial Development Goals that can prepare learners for assessment against this topic.
- Whilst the topic is different to that of the ELRC summative assessment resources, the strategies and teaching activities are useful preparation that can be adapted to your focus.
Preparing ELLs for Assessment against the Level 3 and 4 EAP standards
The ELRC strongly recommends
- the use of the teaching and learning resources and formative assessments on ESOL Online
- working towards assessments against ALL five EAP standards, i.e. listening, speaking reading and writing, as doing this will build knowledge of the topic, vocabulary, language and text structures necessary for success.